How to Test the Near Vision
Things You'll Need
- Near vision test chart
Print out a near-vision test chart, and follow the print size and verification instructions. Don't look at the chart or study it before taking the test. You want this to be accurate, and if you memorize any part of it, you might pass the test but fail to pick up an indicator that could save your vision. It will be better to have someone else print the chart for you.
Ask someone to tape the near-vision test chart on a wall at eye level. Make sure that the room has plenty of light.
Stand about 14 to 16 inches away from the chart. You should neither be tired or have tired eyes from reading or working on a computer. Do not take this test until you have been indoors for a while and your eyes are adjusted to the lights.
Read out loud the sentence written on the chart. Have someone with you as you read the chart who can tell you if what you are reading is correct. After reading the sentence, tell your friend where the opening of each of the "C" is located at the bottom of the page.
Read the chart with both eyes open. After reading with both eyes open, cover your left eye with your hand and read the chart. Then cover your right eye, and read the chart. If you are wearing glasses, read the chart first without the glasses and then with glasses. If you are not able to read the sentence and correctly indicate the openings of the "Cs" on the chart, consult an ophthalmologist to help with your vision.