How to See Clearly Through No-Line Bifocals
Talk with your optometrist and optician to ensure that you make the best choice in progressive lenses. There are several types of no-line bifocals you can choose, depending on the type of frame you wear and how you use your eyes daily. The wrong choice of lens can result in seeing less clearly from your glasses.
Put on your glasses so you are wearing them high on your nose. Ensure that they are as close to your face as possible, and that they are seated straight.
Look toward the object you want to see. Make certain your nose is pointed directly at it.
Raise your chin slowly. Reverse direction, and slowly lower your chin. Stop when the object you are looking at comes into the clearest focus.
Learn to turn your entire head to look from side to side, instead of moving only your eyes. No-line bifocals have a "sweet spot" that you must learn to look through. When moving your eyes only to look to the side, you will have a soft blurring of objects, particularly in the lower periphery, called peripheral distortion. This is normal and should be expected. Avoid turning your head swiftly to prevent a blurry "swimming" of your vision.
Be patient and wear your progressive lenses as often as possible. Because no-line lenses require some adjustment in how you will need to position your head and move your eyes, adaptation times can take as long as two weeks. Refrain from switching back to your old single-vision glasses as you adjust to your no-line bifocals. Switching back and forth can lengthen the time it takes your eyes to adjust.