Mono Vision Contact Lens Information
Presbyopia can be corrected with bifocals, but not all people adjust well to the different powers in them. Monovision is the technique of using one contact to correct distance vision, and one contact to correct near vision. Your dominant eye is usually the one which wears the distance correction. Your brain learns to tune to the dominant eye for distance viewing, and the other for near viewing.
Though the term "mono" means one, both eyes still work together as normal. One eye, no matter whether you are focused near or far, will be clear. This eliminates the need for reading glasses in many patients with presbyopia. Most people who try monovision treatment adjust to it well, and after awhile no longer notice which eye is their "far" eye, and which is their "near" eye.
One downside to monovision is that your eyes' ability to work together is slightly compromised, and this can result in a minor loss of depth perception. Some patients using monovision find that their clarity of distance is not what it used to be, and others will still need the use of reading glasses. Though there are some limitations, many patients successfully use and enjoy monovision treatment.