What Does Rx Mean for Contact Lenses?
OD, OS or OU
OD refers to the Latin phrase "oculus dexter," which means right eye; measurements listed under the OD column applies to the right eye only. OS refers to the Latin phrase "oculus sinister," which means left eye; measurements listed under OS apply to the left eye only. If both eyes include the same measurements, your prescription will be labeled "OU," which refers to "oculus uterque," meaning each eye.
Referring to lens power, this measurement describes how much correction each eye needs. Measured in dioptres, a negative sign indicates myopia, or nearsightedness, while a positive sign indicates hyperopia, or far-sightedness.
Referring to base curve, BC indicates the curve of the lens, measured in millimeters.
Measuring diameter, DIA indicates the width from one edge to the opposite edge of the lens.
Toric Lenses
Lenses that correct astigmatism, known as toric lenses, will also include the additional measurements Cyl and Axis. Cyl refers to the strength of the astigmatism while Axis refers to its orientation.
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