What Does it Mean to Be Nearsighted?
The retina of the eye contains rods and cones, the sense receptors that receive visual images and send them to the brain for interpretation. The retina lies inside the eyeball at the posterior or rear part of the eye.
Cornea and Lens
The eye has a curved transparent cornea and a biconvex lens through which light must pass before it reaches the retina. In a properly shaped eye, the focal point of the lens will lie on the retina, and images will be clear.
Cause of Nearsightedness
If the cornea curves too sharply or if the distance between the lens and the retina is too long, the focal point of the lens will lie in front of the retina instead of on it. The result will be nearsightedness, also called myopia, according to The Physics Classroom.
Results of Nearsightedness
The nearsighted eye can see close objects clearly, provided that no other eye abnormality affects its vision. But the nearsighted person will not be able to see distant objects distinctly, according to the Mayo Clinic.