How do I Restore Eyelash Loss?
Examine your eyelashes closely to see if you have eyelash loss or simply breakage. Breakage makes eyelashes appear not to grow, but they are simply breaking off at the base. Overly dry lashes and prolonged use of eyelash curlers can cause breakage.
Increase quality protein in your diet and decrease the amount of heavy mascara you use. Skipping eye makeup for a day or two here and there and increasing the amount of moisture around your eyes also will give your lashes an opportunity to heal and grow.
Apply a natural eyelash treatment designed to condition existing lashes. These conditioners add moisture to lashes and make them appear thicker and longer without the use of mascara. Find eyelash conditioners in drug stores, department stores and beauty product stores.
Avoid using fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions. Fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions are held on by glue. This causes the natural eyelashes to dry out, and the weight of the extensions and fake lashes leads to severe breakage.
Ask your dermatologist or primary care doctor if a prescription eyelash growth treatment is right for you. If you have naturally thin eyelashes and eyelashes that continue to break, a prescription eyelash growth treatment may be the best answer.