Inflammation of the Lower Eye Lid
If you have inflammation on your lower eyelid, you should not ignore it. Eyelids are crucial to the health of the eye, according to American Family Physician. They protect your cornea and they help with tearing. If left unchecked, some eyelid problems could lead to serious problems, such as pain, irritation or loss of vision.
Clogged Oil Glands
Clogged oil glands cause two of the more common lower eyelid problems--a stye and blepharitis. A stye is a tender, sometimes painful, red bump at the base of the eyelash or inside the eyelid, according to People get sties when infected oil glands become clogged. Blepharitis happens because of a chronic bacterial lid infection. Blepharitis causes inflammation of the eyelid. Patients feel itching and burning, and their eyes tear up. You can distinguish a stye from blepharitis, because a stye usually has a small yellowish spot in its center.
Sties are quite common, and anyone can develop one, according to Stress or chronic conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, could cause you to get one. Blepharitis is a chronic condition. Once a patient has blepharitis, the condition could reoccur at any time. Scrubbing the eyelids daily is one way to keep this problem at bay. A stye or blepharitis will usually not cause any permanent damage to your eyesight, according to
Treat a stye by applying a warm washcloth to the area for 10 minutes, four to six times a day. You are trying to get the stye to rupture and go away. Never squeeze it as you might squeeze a pimple. This may worsen or spread the infection, according to Treat blepharitis by applying a warm washcloth to the area for 15 minutes twice a day. This helps to melt the oil that is clogging the glands. After the compress, wash the eyelid with baby shampoo mixed with water. If the condition is not clearing up, see your doctor who will probably prescribe eye drops.
You cannot completely prevent sties, but you can help to prevent them from developing by practicing good hygiene, such as washing your hands, not sharing cosmetics or eyelash curlers, keeping your makeup tools clean, throwing away old makeup and not touching your eye. For blepharitis, regular cleaning of the eyelid, probably for life, is important to keep flare-ups to a minimum. You can use a washcloth with baby shampoo mixed with water or you can buy a special eyelid scrub and cleanser.