What Is Moraxella Catarrhalis Eye Infection?
Moraxella Catarrhalis
The Moraxella catarrhalis bacterium causes several common illnesses in addition to conjunctivitis. People may develop middle ear infections or sinus infections from this source of infection. Children have developed a blood infection called bacteremia in rare cases from Moraxella catarrhalis. Newborn infants may contract meningitis from this bacterium. Older children and children with weakened immune systems have contracted pneumonia and bronchitis from Moraxella catarrhalis.
Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an infection of the conjunctiva, a membrane that lines the eyelids. This type of infection may result from Moraxella catarrhalis or other bacteria. Pink eye is contagious and causes symptoms such as eye pain, blurred vision and crusty formations that develop on an affected eyelid during the night. Individuals with this infection may notice an itching or gritty sensation in the eye, redness and increased tearing. People with this eye infection may be sensitive to light.
Tests and Treatment
An eye doctor examines a patient’s eyes and looks for signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis this condition is suspected. The physician may swab the eyelid membrane to get a sample of the infectious bacteria. The sample is sent to a laboratory where it is analyzed and the cause of the infection is identified. Conjunctivitis can result from viruses, fungi or chemical exposure in addition to bacteria. Doctors usually treat a Moraxella catarrhalis eye infection with antibiotic eye drops or ointment.
Patients may relieve the symptoms of a Moraxella catarrhalis eye infection with several home remedies. Some people soak a cloth compress with warm water and place it gently over a closed eyelid. Nonprescription artificial tears eye drops may reduce eye irritation. Contact lens wearers may need to use eyeglasses instead of contact lenses to minimize eye irritation while they have a conjunctivitis infection.
People can reduce the chance of contracting conjunctivitis if they practice good hygiene. Patients should not share eye cosmetics, handkerchiefs or towels. Users of eye cosmetics should replace them often. Individuals in affected households should change pillowcases frequently, refrain from touching their eyes and wash their hands regularly. Contact lens wearers who develop conjunctivitis should thoroughly clean their contact lenses.