How to Read Large Print
Things You'll Need
- Large-print reading materials
Try reading glasses first. If you can get your eyes checked and get prescription reading lenses, it is best to use this method to enhance your reading ability first. And even eye professionals agree that the over-the-counter "readers" you can buy in many strengths are good to use when reading smaller print is a problem.
Experiment with large print. Go to a public library where they usually stock at least a few titles in large print. Try a book or magazine to see if this larger type solves your problems in reading. If so, you have found a solution and can access many types of reading materials available.
Wear your glasses with large print too. Some people, many with macular degeneration, have to continue to use reading glasses even when reading large print. If it is comfortable for you and you can read without blurred vision or headaches, large print and glasses is your answer.