What Are the Causes of Visual Migraines?
Food Factors
Different foods may bring on visual migraines in people who are sensitive to the fermentation or ingredients of certain foods. Common foods that bring on ocular migraines are red wine, aged cheeses, chocolate, chicken liver, meats preserved in nitrates or milk products, according to Health Central. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a preservative found in many Chinese or Asian foods, is another common cause. If you are dining at a restaurant, you may need to ask your server if your meal contains MSG.
Outdoor Activities
Exercising is good for your health and your body, but it can trigger visual migraines in some people. Sunlight can also be a factor in triggering this sort of reaction in your vision field. Vision disturbances can range from seeing spots, flashing lights, wavy lines that look like lightening or even a temporary reduction in your field of vision.
Daily Factors
Unusual amounts of stress, or becoming upset by an event, can precipitate an ocular migraine. Other factors such as oral contraceptives, hunger and consumption of alcohol can trigger a visual migraine.
Retinal Migraine
The retinal migraine is another form of visual migraine. This type of migraine is thought to be brought on by the restriction of blood flow to the eye or optic nerve, according to Headache Expert. It usually only occurs in one eye and can result in total or partial temporary blindness in the eye. It is always best to consult a physician to rule out any other diseases or conditions.