How Can I Remove Dirt from My Eye?

Having an object in your eye is uncomfortable and sometimes quite painful. Even the tiniest speck of dirt can feel like a huge clump, cause excessive tearing and even damage your eye. These small specks can be very stubborn, but there are ways to remove dirt from your eye using supplies found in most homes or at the pharmacy. Always use caution while removing anything from your eye to avoid scratches or other damage to the organ.

Things You'll Need

  • Soap
  • Water
  • Towel
  • Eye cup
  • Cotton swab
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      Clean hands are an important part of hygiene.

      Wash your hands using soap and water before touching your eyes. Dry your hands with a clean towel.

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      Pour cool water into an eye cup. Eye cups can be purchased at your local pharmacy.

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      Hold the irritated eye open using the thumb and index finger on the hand that's on the same side of your body as the affected eye. Push your upper lid up from the eye and the lower lid down from the eye.

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      Flush your eye by bringing the eye cup with cool water up to your eye in one swift movement. Dry your eye with a clean towel and blink out the water.

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      Cotton swabs are very gentle when used for cleaning.

      Lift your upper eye lid with your finger, if it feels as if there is still dirt in your eye. Use a clean, dampened cotton swab to remove any remaining specks of dirt by brushing the swab over the dirt to pick it up.

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