What are the Most Powerful Refresh Eye Drops?
Refresh Tears
Artificial tear eye drops do not contain any medication. They all contain a moisturizing agent and a viscosity agent. Some of them contain a preservative. The power of an artificial tear drop is generally measured by its viscosity.
Viscosity describes how thick a liquid is. The higher the viscosity of the artificial tear, the longer it will stay in the eyes after it is instilled. Therefore, the more severe the dry eyes, the higher the viscosity that is required. The Refresh brands with the highest viscosity are the ones that are the strongest.
Most Powerful Preservative-Free Refresh Eye Drops
The most viscous Refresh eye drops that are preservative free are Refresh Celluvisc. These eye drops are so viscous that they cause the vision to be blurry for up to several minutes following instillation.
Most Powerful Preserved Refresh Eye Drops
The most viscous Refresh eye drops that contain preservatives are Refresh Liquigel. These eye drops are viscous enough that refresh.com reports they can be used at bedtime for protection from dryness overnight.
Refresh Redness Relief
This brand of Refresh eye drops are specifically intended for people with redness in their eyes. It contains a redness reliever (phenylephrine HCI 0.12 percent) as well as an eye lubricant (polyvinyl alcohol 1.4 percent).
Refresh Eye Itch Relief
If you have itchy eyes caused by allergies to pollen, ragweed, grass, animal dander or other environmental irritants, there is Refresh Eye Itch Relief. Its active ingredient is ketotifen (0.025 percent) and it provides up to 12 hours of eye itch relief.