How to Get Rid of Rosacea Swelling From My Eyelids
Things You'll Need
- 34 ounces of drinking water per day
- Topical rosacea cleanser
- Skin supplement for rosacea treatment
- Warm compress
- Sunglasses
Start out by drinking 34 ounces of water a day. Water allows for improved tear production and this can help cleanse the eye of buildup which can be common with ocular rosacea.
Place a warm compress on the eyes to open the skin's pores and to alleviate the pressure that builds up in the infected eyelids. This will help alleviate the swelling and cause the blood to circulate more freely within the swollen tissue.
Wash your face with a topical cleanser specifically formulated for rosacea treatment. These can be found at health food stores for a reasonable cost. Maintain a schedule which allows for cleansing of the face at least twice a day. Focus on the eye areas when washing and make sure to rinse the solution thoroughly from the face to prevent excessive drying and possible eye irritation.
Take a daily supplement for rosacea treatment. All-natural supplements can also be purchased from health food stores. Take the recommended supplement daily or the body will work the ingredients out of its system, and the supplement will not have the desired effects.
Avoid sun exposure. The sun can increase redness and inflammation. Wear sunglasses on bright days whenever outside.