Eye Exams for Neurological Disorders
Before the Appointment
Write down any medications and the current dose, as well as any allergies to medications. Make note of any questions for the eye doctor to ensure he addresses all your concerns. Give the list of medications to the eye doctor when you go in for your visit.
Checking Vision
The doctor or his technician will check your vision and determine any new or updated glasses prescription. Noting vision changes also helps the doctor to monitor neurological conditions.
Eye Motility
The way the eyes move gives neurological clues to the eye doctor. He will likely hold up a finger and have you follow his movements with your eyes while keeping your head still.
Pupil Dilation
Some neurological disorders affect the retina or optic nerve, and dilating the pupil allows the eye doctor to perform a thorough examination of these areas.
Visual Field
Neurological conditions may result in loss of vision in certain areas of sight, and a visual field test will measure these changes. This simple test involves a series of lights flashing, and you click a hand-held button when a light appears in your vision.
Neurological disorders present many different symptoms and changes in the eyes. Depending on the condition present, an eye doctor may perform other testing, such as color testing and depth perception.