Why Am I Having Trouble Reading With New Glasses?
Proper Fit
Glasses need to be sitting on your face correctly for the best vision. If your frames are sliding down too far on your nose or are tipping in or out slightly (called pantoscopic tilt), you may not be seeing your best. Try moving your glasses up or tilting them to test your vision. If necessary, take your glasses back to your eye care professional to have them adjusted to help you see better.
Proper Prescription
Most people get used to their new prescription within two weeks. However, sometimes a minor adjustment to the power of the lens may be needed. If you have given your glasses a fair trial period and you are still not seeing correctly, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to have him or her recheck your lenses and your vision and make any necessary adjustments.
Reading Lenses
Reading lenses are glasses that are used just for close work. You cannot see in the distance with glasses that are just for reading. Some people benefit from more than one pair of glasses, especially if they do a lot of close work. Check with your optician to see if there are different types of lenses that will help with your particular needs.
No-Line Bifocals
No-line bifocals, also called progressive or invisible bifocals, take a while to adapt. This type of lens allows you to see in the distance but there is an area off to the sides in the lens that is blurry, and the reading part of the lens is somewhat small. Most people get used to this type of lens in a few weeks.
If you have worn bifocals with lines previously and are switching to no-line bifocals, you may have more trouble reading with no-line bifocal glasses. Bifocals with lines have a distinct reading area that is usually larger than bifocals with no lines, and looking from the distance to the reading area is easier with bifocals with lines. Some people cannot get used to the difference, but your optician can investigate and interpret your individual situation for the best solution.