Cataract Eye Drops Myths
Behind the pupil sits the natural lens of the eye. With age, the lens turns to a yellow, cloudy haze and the vision blurs.
Prevention Myth
One myth involves preventing cataracts. The eye drops claim that using the drop will prevent cataracts from forming, but fails to acknowledge that cataracts are a part of the natural aging process of the eye.
Dissolving Myth
Another myth claims that consistent use of the eye drops will make cataracts disappear or dissolve. Since cataracts are not made up of a "substance" but are actually the result of the lens clouding, the drops have nothing to dissolve.
The Food and Drug Administration has not approved any drop that claims to cure cataracts, and these drops are sold as eye "supplements." Also, take caution when using drops with unfamiliar ingredients since allergic reactions may occur.
Cataracts can only be corrected with surgery. The procedure is safe and performed under strict guidelines.