Fluorescent Lighting & Vision Changes
Fluorescent Flickers
Voltage to fluorescent lighting fluctuates. This causes lights to flicker, but the flicker may be rapid and unnoticeable. Many people are sensitive to flickering in fluorescent lights, although this does not cause permanent vision damage.
Blurred Vision
Fluorescent lights and flickers may cause eye strain. Eyes become tired and they may tear and feel scratchy. Vision often blurs from eye strain, although blinking rapidly will often clear vision for a short time.
With any vision changes, contact an eye care professional. The eye doctor and his staff will perform vision tests to determine if an eye glass correction is needed. The doctor will also examine the front and back of both eyes to be certain the eyes are healthy.
Sometimes a new or updated eye glass correction will ease eye strain and blurred vision. If a new prescription is not necessary, the eye doctor may recommend artificial tears to keep the surface of the eye comfortable.
Filters are available for fluorescent lights. Special computer glasses with a rose tint may help ease any discomfort and vision changes from glare.