How to Adjust Nose Pads on Eyewear
Things You'll Need
- Fingers
- Pliers
- Smooth and hard surface
- Mirror
Use your fingers as a first attempt to adjust the nose pads so they fit snug and without any difficulty or discomfort. If you are unable to adjust the nose pads appropriately, use a pair of pliers to make smaller adjustments that are more precise.
Place your glasses on your face and take note if they are too tight or too lose in the nose pad area. If they are causing excess pressure and discomfort, they are too tight. If they're falling off your face when looking downward, they are too loose.
Take the glasses off your face and place them on a flat, hard surface such as a counter top. Gently press or pull the arms of the nose pads in the direction needed. The arms of the nose pads are made to take adjusting and pressure so you don't need to worry about breaking them.
Place them back on your face after adjust them. Use a mirror and observe how they look on your face. The objective is to make them comfortable with a snug fit while maintaining proper balance on the face. If the glasses become crooked on the face, you may want to continue the adjusting process until you achieve the desired result. Have a friend or family member help adjust and make suggestions during the process.
Clean and store your glasses in a glasses case when you're not wearing them. Take extra caution when removing and placing them on your face to not move the adjustments you've made.