How to Go Back to Wearing Glasses After Gas Permeable Contacts
Things You'll Need
- Gas permeable contact conditioning solution
- Gas permeable contact cleaner
- Contact lens case
- Kitchen or bathroom sink equipped with a drain
- Small plastic baggie
- Thin permanent marker
- Soft handsoap or glass cleaner
- Soft towel
- Protective eyeglass case
Taking Care of Your Contacts and Switching to Glasses
Ease back into wearing glasses if at all possible. Your eyes might need a few days to adjust after wearing hard contacts. For example, your peripheral vision might be off once you begin to wear glasses again. Wear your glasses for one hour the first day, two consecutive hours the next day, and three to five hours on the third day before wearing them regularly.
Prepare your contact lenses for permanent storage by washing your hands, plugging the drain of your sink, and filling both sides of the contact case halfway full with conditioning solution.
Take out one of your contacts, and pour three or four drops of contact cleaner on the lens as it sits in your palm. Work the cleaner into the lens and around the edges for 20 seconds or more. Carefully rinse the lens off with lukewarm water, and place it in the appropriate side of the contact lens case. Repeat this step with the second lens.
Screw or pop the lid onto the contact case securely. Place the case in a zipper plastic bag, and write the date on the bag with the permanent marker. This is important for future reference if you need to give this information to an eye doctor.
Clean your glasses daily with soft soap or glass cleaner. Buff them dry with a towel, and keep them stored in a case.