Assistive Technology for Cerebral Palsy and Low Vision
Assistive Technology
Different assistive technology devices can aid in improving poor vision. Glasses, for instance, provide a remedy to blurred vision.
Eye Patches
With some oculomotor problems, such as lazy eye, wearing an eye patch on the stronger eye can be beneficial, as this forces the weaker eye to work, often improving vision in the weak eye.
Assistive Computer Technology
In general, computers have greatly expanded the limitations of the cerebral palsy population. The option to enlarge the type font helps a person with CP who has poor vision to read more easily.
Body Braces
Many people with cerebral palsy struggle with body movements, consequently reducing their concentration on visual tasks. Various body braces can help support the body in difficult positions, allowing the person with CP to have better visual concentration and/or eye-hand skills
If assistive technology doesn't successfully provide relief from poor vision, cataract surgery may be considered.