What Are the Causes of a Twitchy Eye?
Eye Muscle Fatigue
Eye spasms or twitching are common when the eyes are physically tired or your body is fatigued as a whole. Staring at a computer monitor, television screen or small printed text for prolonged periods tires the eyes. If you are lacking sleep, are fatigued or have eyestrain, twitching eyes are common. Take a break, rest your eyes and get ample amounts of sleep to eliminate the twitching.
Internal External Factors
Twitchy eyes can be caused by alcohol and caffeine consumption. Smoking and dry eyes caused by environmental conditions or allergies has also been known to cause involuntary eye twitching. A nutritional imbalance may also be the cause. Discontinuing use of products that cause twitching, treatment with allergy medications or eating a well rounded diet can reduce eye twitching caused by these factors.
Medical Conditions
Persistent eye twitching that doesn't subside with ample rest, the elimination of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco should be evaluated by a physician. Benign essential blepharospasm (BEB) is a common blinking disorder that is often associated with dry eyes. Tourette's Syndrome is a neurological condition that is associated with uncontrollable eye twitching. Chronic eye twitching, when combined with other symptoms, is also associated with Bell's Palsy, dystonia and Parkinsonism.