Foods That Help Control Eye Pressure in Children
Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids in the diet can decrease eye pressure by unclogging the eye drainage system. Flax seed oil and safflower added to foods can increase children's omega-3 intake as well as eating fish.
Vitamin C
According to Dr. Marc Grossman OD, children should get plenty of Vitamin C for eye health. Foods such as red berries, broccoli and juices are perfect for increasing Vitamin C.
Alpa Lipoic Acid
Eating leafy green vegetables will help children get enough alpha-lipoic acid and lower intraocular pressure. Spinach and collard greens will be packed full of alpha-lipoic acids.
Feed children foods with high antioxidants such as bell peppers, citrus and strawberries. These are known for many health benefits including being beneficial for children's eyes.
Egg whites, along with fruits and vegetables, can give a child plenty of chromium. In a study done at Columbia University, patients with low chromium levels were found to be higher risk for glaucoma.