How to Change Eyeglass Frames
Obtain a copy of your most current prescription. Eyeglass prescriptions expire within one to two years, depending on the health of your eye and your doctor's policies. If it has been more than a year since your last exam, consider scheduling a new one.
Avoid large frames if you have a very strong vision correction, written as 2.00 or higher in the SPH column of your prescription. New lenses are available that are thinner and lighter, so there are exceptions, depending on variables in your prescription and where your eyes are centered in the frame. Your eye-care professional can help you make a final size determination.
Focus on shape after you decide the size of frame. To complement your features, choose a frame that is different than the shape of your face. A round frame looks nice on a face with angular features, and a frame with square or rectangle angles works well with a rounder face.
Pick a material. Frames are available in plastic and metal. Plastic frames come in many colors and metal frames tend to be more durable and less obvious. There are many different levels of quality and variety in both. If you are unsure, try several styles of each until you find one that makes you feel comfortable.
Choose a color that complements your skin tone. Frame colors can be bright and warm or cool and subtle. It helps to choose a color that is similar to what you wear on a daily basis. If your wardrobe contains a lot of muted tones such as navy, brown and gray, look for a frame that is similar. Frames also come in bright colors that may enhance your look. Try on several colors to find one that matches well with your own coloring and wardrobe.
Consider getting more than one pair of eyeglass frames. Some frames are designed to look dressy and others are more casual, just like clothing and jewelry.