Progressive Vs. Lined Bifocal Lenses
Bifocals are glasses for people who suffer from both nearsightedness and farsightedness. A portion of the glasses helps the wearer see things close up and another section allows them to see things that are far away.
Lined Bifocal Features
Traditional lined bifocals have two distinct lenses; the top lens is for distance vision and the bottom lens is for near vision.
Progressive Features
Progressive bifocals are made from a single lens in which the prescription blends slowly from the top to the bottom of the lens.
Because the progressive lenses change gradually, they allow for middle distance vision that lined bifocals do not.
One major complaint of those who wear progressive lenses for the first time is that vision through the outer edge of the glasses is distorted. This is normal, and something the wearer must get used to. For those who cannot overcome this, lined bifocals are a better option.