Can Multifocal Contacts Be Used by Persons With Astigmatism?
Early Solutions
Before soft toric contacts, individuals with astigmatism were limited to wearing rigid gas-permeable contacts, and if the wearer needed multifocals, he or she wore a near-vision contact lens in one eye and a distance-vision contact lens in the other.
Benefits of RGP Contacts
If you have mild astigmatism, Dr. Joseph T Barr at Bausch and Lomb confirms that rigid gas-permeable contacts, due to their hardness, can make your eye shape spherical, eliminating astigmatism's vision problems.
Soft Toric Contacts
As Dr. Gary Heiting, associate editor of, says that today even soft multifocal contacts can be made to correct astigmatism.
Design of Toric Contacts
A soft toric contact lens is able to correct astigmatism with its varying degrees of thickness across the lens, which keeps the lens stable on the eye.
Multifocal Toric Contacts
Multifocal toric contacts combine the toric design with the multifocal design, which relies on varying degrees of near-vision correction at different parts of the lens. This allows the wearer to enjoy sharp vision without loss of depth perception.
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