How to Reduce Puffy Eyes Naturally
As you get older, making the extra effort to take care of yourself is important. When you're young, you don't have to consider it much. As you age, it shows in your appearance. So a healthy diet, along with applying certain techniques can help reduce puffy eyes naturally. Make sure you avoid things like stress, too much sodium, drinking and smoking, along with sleeping 8 hours a day.
Potato juice. Potato juice is actually quite effective reducing puffy eyes and dark circles. Potatoes can help lighten the skin. You can do a few things. Either peel a raw potato, squeeze the juice out. Or buy actual potato juice. You'll probably not find it in any stores. Biotta carries potato juice. You can buy it online. Take a cotton ball, dip it into the juice. Apply around the eyes and leave it there for about 10-15 minutes. Than wash out with warm water.
Use cucumbers. Cucumbers is one of the best and truly most effective ways to reduce puffy eyes. A lot of eye creams are now using cucumber ingredients. Instead of wasting money on that stuff, use actual cucumbers. Best used if they're cold, and been in the fridge. Lay down on a bed, or couch. Apply a slice of cucumber to each eye. Keep them there for about 10 minutes.
Use ice packs and ice water. Some say ice water is a myth. Others swear by that its a natural anti-aging way to reduce wrinkles and puffy eyes. Actually, ice water does shrink skin pores. Ice also tightens the face and some believe it reduces wrinkles. Paul Newman used ice water, he tend to never aged. So maybe there's something to that. All kidding aside, ice water will help reduce puffy eyes. Your face needs moisture, specifically your eyes. Sometimes specifically your eyes doesn't get enough moisture.
They have eye ice packs. Some people sleep with them, to help reduce puffy eyes in the morning. Wear for at least 10-15 minutes. Best to wear it in the morning. You'll start to notice reduced puffy eyes instantly.
Take resveratrol supplements. Resveratrol is found specifically in red grape skins. It's a powerful anti-aging supplement that promotes a younger look physically. Resveratrol can help reduce wrinkles, dark circles, and puffy eyes. It will help promote healthier skin in general.
Use eye creams. Use eye creams that contain these ingredients. Vitamin K, Aloe, or vitamin E. These supplements are good for the skin and promote anti-aging. Eye creams can work, depending on the ingredients in them. Most of them don't work, and are rather cheap.
Eat a healthy diet. Drink 8-10 glasses of cold water a day. Water keeps the skin hydrated. Also, eat foods that promote healthy skin. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, and doesn't have much trans fats and saturated fats. Get more polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats into your diet. Eat foods that contain more omega-3 fatty acids in them. Eat lots of fruit. Fruits should be what you eat mostly. They're rich in antioxidants that promote healthy skin. Get enough vitamins into your diet as well.