List of Providers For EyeMed
To use EyeMed's discounts, you can go to a retail store that participates in the program (such as Target Optical, Sears Optical and LensCrafters), or you can find private practice doctors within the network.
One of the first things an EyeMed member wants to know is "How do I find a list of providers?"
Use EyeMed's Provider Locator Tool
Navigate to the EyeMed website and click on the Provider Locator (under the Member Access tab). Choose an option from the drop-down list in the Network field. To choose the right Network, you must know the type of coverage plan that you have. There are networks associated with each of EyeMed coverage plans: Access, Select, Advantage, and Insight. Enter your street, city and state in the fields provided.
View The Tool's Listing Results
A results page is displayed that shows the providers in your area. Use this list to select a provider near you. Here is a sample from the listing results for the Access plan network for a small town in Georgia:
Pearle Vision
239 Market Place Blvd.
Cartersville, GA 30121
(770) 607-1449
6.1 milesIf you see a “Doctor Listing” link at the bottom of the listing, you can click it to see the names of the doctors at this location.
Confirm via Phone
Check with the provider you're interested in before you visit. (The EyeMed database may not reflect recent changes in status.) Indicate that you are an EyeMed member and confirm that you will receive the discounts.
Laser Correction Discount
Members can also get discounts for laser vision correction surgery through the U.S. Laser Vision Network (a separate company owned by LCA-Vision).
However, the list displayed by the EyeMed Provider Locator tool does not include laser vision correction surgeons. To get more information, visit the EyeMedLasik website.