Remedy for Bright Fluorescent Lights at Work
Computer Monitors
Computer monitors reflect the light around them, and those reflections can go straight to your eyes, causing strain. Position your computer monitor so that it faces away from the fluorescent lighting in your office area. If you have any lights on your desk, point them away from the monitor as well. Try to position the monitor at your eye level, and give yourself a few moments a day to look away from it as well.
Natural Light
Take time every day to get exposure to natural light. While it can be healthy to have a variety of light exposure in your day, constantly being around fluorescent lighting is not healthy. Go outside on your lunch break for a few minutes, or go into a dark room when you can, so to change up the variety of lighting exposure in your day.
Other Light Options
If you have control over the lighting in your own office, turn off the overhead fluorescent lighting and use lamps instead. Light your desk with a 100-watt bulb in a lamp instead of relying on overhead lights. Even if your desk is in a public area where you cannot control the lighting, a small desk lamp can still improve the quality of light that you directly expose your eyes to throughout the day.