Pepper Spray Relief for Eyes
Treating Eyes for Pepper Spray
Because there may be trace amounts of pepper spray in the air, it is necessary to first move a person who has been sprayed in the eyes to a well-ventilated area. While escorting the person to fresh air, encourage him to remain calm. It is important that he does not begin to panic and rub his eyes, as this will only make the situation worse. Once outside, turn the person, so that the wind is in his face. This will help dissipate the fumes that could further aggravate the eyes. If the person cannot be taken outside, a fan should be used to provide air.
With proper ventilation, treatment of the eyes can begin. First, if the affected person is wearing contact lenses, they should be removed. Next, the best relief for pepper spray is cool, running water. The face and eyes should be flushed with water. The spray attachment found on many kitchen sinks work effectively. If outside, a garden hose works as well. If necessary, repeatedly flush the eyes with cool water. Do so until the burning begins to dissipate. Afterward, an ice pack or cold compress can be placed over the eyes to ward off inflammation or swelling. Contact lenses must be cleaned thoroughly and left to soak in their usual cleaning solution.
If the proper treatment is applied, relief is usually attainable within 45 minutes. If, however, symptoms persist, the eyes continue to burn, the person experiences vision problems, develops chest pains, a cold sweat or shallow breathing, he should be taken to a medical professional immediately.