Natural Indian Cures for Dry Eyes
There are prescriptions that can help relieve dry eye, but you might try some of these natural remedies used in India first.
Understanding Ayurvedic Medicine
In India, the natural approach to health is usually referred to as ayurveda. According to ayurvedic medicine, the body is healthiest when the elements within the body that correspond to earth, air, water, fire and ether are brought into balance. Typically, these elements are brought into balance through diet and herbal remedies. The ultimate goal is to bring the mind, body and spirit into harmony and eliminate disease from the body. Even ailments that you may consider to be minor, such as dry eye, signal a disruption to the body’s harmony. Ayurvedic medicine recommends several dry eye remedies.
Ayurvedic Herbs for Dry Eye
The most common natural Indian cures for dry are honey, ghee (clarified butter), sesame oil and a decoction made from fennel seeds. Honey, ghee and sesame oil help to moisten and comfort the eyes. You can place a few drops directly in the eye to relieve dryness. Of the three, honey has the most conventional research supporting its use. In a study published in the October 2006 issue of Cornea, researchers found that honey can help relieve the symptoms of dry eye due to a number of conditions.
When using fennel seeds to relieve dry eye, pour 8 ounces of boiling water over one half of a teaspoon of fennel seeds. Allow it to sit until half of the water has evaporated. Strain and cool the remaining liquid, and then use it as eye drops.
Other Ayurvedic Principles
In addition to honey, fennel, ghee and sesame oil, Ayurvedic medicine suggests that people with dry eyes avoid sugars, refined grains and alcohol. It also suggests that you spend some time reflecting on the balance between work and play in your life. If you do not have meaningful work and revitalizing play, then that may be contributing to stress, which may contribute to your symptoms.