Signs & Symptoms of Diabetic Eye Problems

The eyes are a very important organ for interacting with our surroundings. Through the eyes, we see where we are going, identify dangers, and even communicate our feelings. Diabetes, the abnormal accumulation of sugar in the blood, usually leads to high blood pressure. The combination of high sugar content in the blood and high blood pressure can cause damage to the small blood vessels and tissues of the eyes. Over time, the eyes become damaged and eyesight impaired, a condition known as diabetic retinopathy.
  1. Blurred Vision

    • As the pressure in the eye is increased, the fluid in the eye disrupts the shape of the eye lens. Once this happens, light is not properly focused, causing blurred vision. Because the change is so gradual, a person whose vision is becoming blurry may not seek medical assistance until after the condition is irreparable.

    Poor Night Vision

    • There are specialized cells on the inside of the eye wall that interpret the light that comes through the lens. Some cells are designed to process color, while others process black and white. There are fewer black and white vision cells, upon which night vision relies. As the eye becomes damaged from diabetes, the cells that help with night vision are damaged in greater proportion.

    Loss of Vision

    • If allowed to continue without treatment, diabetic retinopathy will inevitably lead to a total loss of vision. This is because the optical nerve that transmits information from the eyes to the brain also has delicate blood vessels feeding it. If blood vessels are damaged, the optic nerve is also damaged. Since damage to nerves cannot be repaired, any loss of vision from nerve damage is permanent.

    Prevent Eye Damage

    • If you are diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension), have a check-up with an eye specialist at least once a year. Because the loss of vision is very gradual, you may not be able to notice a change in your vision until it is too late. Keeping your blood glucose and blood pressure under control also helps prevent any damage, not just to the eyes but to other organs with delicate blood vessels.

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