How to Adjust Monovision With Contacts
Try modified monovision, with a bifocal contact lens in one eye and a single-vision contact lens in the other eye. This alleviates the distance adaptation problem some people have with traditional monovision and corrects near vision for reading.
Try mini-monovision, using a lesser magnifying power added to the near vision lens. Mini-monovision is a wonderful option when regular monovision does not give you sharp distance vision and you do not do a lot of close-up work. Reading glasses can be worn over mini-monovision for detail work.
Use disposable contacts. By utilizing the affordability and convenience of disposable lenses, you will be able to have several types of correction to adjust to your needs. You can wear a pair of lenses just for distance for those times, like playing sports, when you do not need to read. Another prescription can be used for far and yet another for near as traditional monovision.
Adjust the distance vision lens for deviation if necessary after the initial breaking-in period is complete. Monovision will not be as clear as with binocular vision, especially at night or in dim lighting. The prescription power of the distance contact may need to be slightly increased or decreased to alleviate perception problems.
Allow yourself time to adjust to monovision. Correcting vision this way takes a mininum of several weeks to adjust and may take several months to be completely comfortable.