Macular Degeneration & Nutritional Deficiencies
Important protein sources
Egg yolk is one of the highest sources of lutein, a key nutrient in warding off macular degeneration vision loss. Omega-3 fatty oils found in fish, particularly salmon or sardines, are also important for eye health. Eat fish two or three times a week, or take omega 3 fish oil supplements as an alternative.
Vegetables high in lutein and zeaxanthin, another key nutrient for eye health, include dark green leafy vegetables and those that are red/orange. Broccoli, kale, spinach, peas, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, turnip greens, Brussels sprouts, green beans, corn, okra, celery, zucchini, squash, orange and red peppers, carrots, and vegetable juice cocktail are all high in these nutrients.
Fruits high in lutein and zeaxanthin include peaches, grapes, melons, grapefruit, tangerine juice, oranges and orange juice, and kiwi fruit.
Other nutrients
Supplements containing vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc are thought to be helpful, although it is important to see a doctor to avoid toxicity in taking too high an amount.
Low fat
Having too much fat in the diet is a known risk factor for macular degeneration. Avoiding fatty or fried foods is important for eye health.