What Does Blinking of the Left Eye Mean?
Generally the twitching is a benign condition caused by stress, fatigue, caffeine, vitamin deficiency and diet, or cornea irritation. Other times it is a symptom of more serious neurological conditions, particularly if you have other medical issues.
Cut down on caffeine products. Get more rest. If you work with computers a lot, periodically rest your eyes by looking away from the screen. Use eye drops to lubricate your eyes.
Severe cases
Eye blinking in some cases can be so severe that the eyelid partially or completely shuts, causing functional blindness. The eyelid in these cases will not reopen without a degree of effort or a prescriptive shot of botulin toxic (Botox) administered by a doctor.
Often, left eye blinking is merely an annoying facial tick that will disappear as suddenly as it arrived. The reason for its occurrence may never be isolated.
Consult an opthalmologist or medical doctor if eyelid twitching lasts longer than a week and/or you have other medical conditions.