Optical Eye Exercises
This exercise might seem unimportant since blinking is something you do involuntarily, but it is also considered an important exercise to keep your eyes fresh and able to focus for longer periods of time. It is an especially important exercise for those who work for long hours in front of a computer or spend hours watching TV. These people tend to blink less than normal because they are busy focusing on objects on the screen.
Take a break periodically and blink your eyes, keeping them closed for five to 10 seconds before opening. Repeat the exercise for three to five minutes throughout the day.
Palming is an exercise that helps relieve stress and relax your eyes. This is another good exercise for those who work with computers for a living to prevent eye strain.
Star by taking a few deep breaths to relax. Lean forward onto your desk with your elbows on the surface. Cup your hands over your eyes without applying much pressure. You should be able to blink with no problem.
Figure Eights
Close your eyes and image a giant number eight is in front of you. Turn the eight over on its side, and begin tracing the number slowly with your eyes. Start by tracing it in one direction, and then switch and begin tracing it the other way. Concentrate on this exercise for about two to three minutes at a time.
Near and Far Focusing
The near and far focusing exercise helps strengthen eye muscles and can even improve vision if done consistently.
Get into a comfortable sitting position and hold your thumb out about 10 inches away from your face. Focus on it for a couple of seconds, and then focus on some other object 10 to 20 feet in front of you. Breathe deeply and switch back and forth between the two objects for two to three minutes. Repeat this exercise throughout the day for three minutes at a time.
Zooming is another quick optical exercise you can do daily to strengthen your eyes. It's similar to near and far focusing. Begin by sitting in a comfortable position. Hold your thumb up and hold your arm out in front of your face. Focus on your thumb while your arm is out straight. Now bring your thumb in until it is about three inches from your face, continuing to focus the entire time. Slowly pull your thumb away from your face as you straighten your arm out again. Repeat this exercise for about three minutes throughout the day.