How to Identify Eye Damage
Check the clarity of your vision. Check to see if you can clearly see objects up close and across the room. Sometimes blurry vision means you're tired, but it can also indicate cataracts. Blurring central vision could mean age-related macular degeneration and loss of peripheral vision could mean glaucoma.
Look in the mirror to see if your eye is red. Redness can mean conjunctivitis, a contagious viral infection of the conjunctiva, or it can indicate irritation from the presence of a foreign body.
Check the sclera, the white of the eye for tears or rough patches. Contact with corrosive chemicals that get splashed into eyes can damage the conjunctiva, sclera and cornea.
Look at objects around the room and see if they appear to have shadows around them. Seek immediate medical attention if this is a new feature of your vision. It could indicate retinal detachment. People who fall or get hit on the head can be at risk for retinal detachment. It is not uncommon in boxers.
Sit up straight in a chair. Hold your forefinger out in front of you at arms length. Without moving your head, move the finger first to the left and then to the right as far as each ear. Follow with your eyes. If you cannot follow the finger, you may have damage to one or more muscles or nerves that control eye movement.
Determine if you have eye pain. Conjunctivitis, pink-eye, can cause pain over the whole eye. Other conditions that may cause pain are glaucoma, presence of contact lenses, burns or styes.
Check the tear ducts. Sometimes tear ducts no longer produce tears, and in other people, tears flow uncontrollably.
Think about your actions leading up to any changes in your vision or in the appearance of your eye. Your previous actions may be directly or indirectly related to the new condition of your eye. If you had a blackout and cannot remember what happened, it's best to seek medical attention for a full eye checkup.