Eye Pulse Exercises
The Exercise
Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.
Place your middle fingers between the brows above the bridge of the nose (where your third eye would be)
Place your index fingers at the outer edge of your eyes. Your middle and index finger now have a V shape pointing toward your eye.
Squint the lower eyelid upward and feel the eye muscle pulse.
Squint and relax, squint and relax 10 times.
If you can, focus on the pulse effect each time you squint.
After you do it 10 times, hold the squint and squeeze your eyes shut as tight as you can and count to 40.
Squeeze and keep your eyes shut and focus on the pulsating eye muscle.
When you’ve counted to 40, open your eyes and relax.
The Effects
The exercise strengthens the muscles responsible for opening and closing the eye, and your eyes will look lively. It increases blood circulation in the eye area, which benefits the entire eye and vision. This also strengthens the upper and lower eyelids and reduces under-the-eye puffiness and lifts the hollows under your eyes. ?
Do the exercise twice a day. If you want to increase the effect, do it three times a day.