Eye wash vs. eye rinse stations
Eye Wash
An eye wash is a homemade or over-the-counter (often saline) solution that is used to rinse irritants out of the eye.
Using an Eye Wash
An eye wash can be performed using a special cup designed specifically for washing eyes called an eye cup, or it can be performed by using a glass or cupped hand. Put the solution into the cup, lean forward and place the cup over your eye, then tilt your head back quickly and blink several times.
Eye Rinse Station
An eye rinse station is a designated area that has been set up with eye rinse solutions and other eye care products to treat persons whose eyes have been irritated.
Eye rinse stations are generally found in working environments where there is the potential for tissue-damaging chemicals or materials to get into the eye.
An eye rinse station is either attached to a wall with fixed pipes that pump the solution, or it is portable with eye rinse solution bottles that can be taken on or off. Either way, the eye rinse station should be located within 10 seconds of where the potential eye irritation could occur.