What Are the Functions of Eyelashes?
Eyelashes act as a barrier to keep dust, dirt and debris from getting into our eyes.
Eyelashes are sensitive to touch. They send a lightning-fast message to the eyelid that another object is nearby, and the eyelid closes reflexively. In other words, eyelashes tell us when to blink.
Eyelashes are susceptible to a number of disorders. Some of the most common issues are blepharitis (eyelid irritation that can lead to loss of eyelashes) and styes (an inflammation of the eyelid near the lash line).
On the average adult woman, eyelashes measure 7 mm on the lower lid and 11 mm on the upper lid. Because eyelashes also give the eye definition, many women prefer to enhance their natural fringe with mascara or false eyelashes.
In addition to keeping debris out of our eyes, eyelashes also protect our eyes from sunlight and sweat.