How to Easily Get Rid of Bloodshot Eyes
Bloodshot red eyes give the impression that you're either tired, sick or strung out on drugs. If you're suffering from seasonal allergy symptoms, not getting enough sleep at night or experiencing trauma or eye irritation--your eyes will redden. Make an appointment to see your doctor if eye redness does not go away on its own or if eye redness is accompanied with pain or itching. This could be the sign of a medical condition, called pink eye, or something more serious.Instructions
Get more sleep. Lack of sleep causes the tiny blood vessels in your eyes to dilate and become red.
Stay away from secondhand cigarette smoke. Smoke can cause eyes to become red and irritated.
Limit your alcohol intake. Excess alcohol is dehydrating to the eyes and can cause bloodshot red eyes.
Use over-the-counter eye drops. Clear Eyes makes a red reduction eye drop that instantly lifts redness from your eyes.
Place a cool, wet towel over closed eyes and rest your eyes for at least 20 minutes.
Take Benadryl, or an equivalent allergy-relief medication, to relieve red eyes resulting from chronic or seasonal allergies.