How to Get Rid of Swelling of the Eyes
Things You'll Need
- Cold compresses
- Gel-filled eye packs
- Slices of cucumber or potatoes
- Small pieces of cloth and milk
- Hemorrhoid cream
- Water
- Sunglasses
- Allergy medications
Apply cold compresses to your eyes. Soak a wash rag or cloth in cold water. Lie down and apply the cloth to your eyes. Buy gel-filled eye packs at a drugstore or beauty store. Put eye packs in the freezer for a few minutes, then apply to your eyes. Cold reduces inflammation and puffiness in the eyes.
Cut slices of cucumber or potatoes and apply to eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. The chemicals in the cucumber and potato reduce swelling and brighten the skin surrounding the eye. Soak small pieces of cloth in milk and apply to eyes for 10 minutes. The milk also reduces puffiness and brightens skin.
Apply a small amount of hemorrhoid cream to the bottom of eyelids to reduce bags under the eyes. Hemorrhoid cream contains ingredients that work to reduce swelling.
Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Your body becomes dehydrated when not enough fluids are consumed and tends to hold onto fluid in your body, resulting in swollen eyes. Drinking plenty of liquids keeps the body from retaining fluids, alleviating puffiness around the eyes. Avoid or limit caffeinated beverages that may cause you to retain fluids.
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays. Sunglasses also protect the eyes from dirt and pollen on windy days.
Take over-the-counter allergy medications if you are allergic to certain allergens such as pollen, dust or pet dander. Allergy medications help sooth inflamed eyes and eyelids.