Eye Exercises to Help Dry Eye Pain
Forced Blinking
The most natural way to treat dry eyes is through tears. However, tears don't always come immediately when you need them. Forced blinking helps stimulate tear ducts. Squeeze your eyes shut as tightly as you can. Keep your eyes shut for at least five to 10 seconds. Open your eyes and blink them a few times. Squeeze them shut for another five to 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise until tears begin to flow. These tears will help moisturize your eyes and remove much of the redness and irritation that comes with dry eyes. Force blink as often as you need to treat your dry eyes quickly.
Eye Rolls
Eye rolls are another quick and easy exercise that will stimulate your tear ducts and moisturize your eyes naturally and safely. Start by staring to the right as far as you feel comfortable. Roll your eyes slowly up and to the left. Hold your eyes to the left for as long as you feel comfortable, or about five to 10 seconds, and then roll your eyes down and to the right. Hold again and repeat. Do about 10 to 15 reps of this exercise to get your tear ducts working. You may not get immediate tear fall, but it will strengthen the muscles around the tear ducts.
Eye Push-ups
Start your eye push-ups by finding a place where you can stare at an object from far away. This exercise works best outside in a field. Stare at the object for as long as you can and then stare at something much nearer to you. A good staring time should be around 10 to 20 seconds at a time. Focus on these objects back and forth for at least five to 10 minutes at a time. This exercise will help work the muscles in your eyes, activate your tear ducts, and help treat the symptoms of your dry eyes. This exercise, if done too much, can cause strain. Stop if you feel any strain in your eyes. Eye strain can cause further pain and dryness.