Acuvue Moist Contacts Vs. Acuvue With Hydraclear
The eyes have it. When it comes to choosing the right brand of contacts, your decision can mean the difference between a day in dry-eye agony or a pain-free day of enhanced vision. Things to consider include moisture, length of wear and oxygen permeability.
Time Frame
Acuvue's 1-Day Moist Contacts are designed to be removed and discarded daily. Acuvue's Hydraclear brands--Oasys with Hydraclear Plus and Advance with Hydraclear--are meant to be replaced every two weeks for daily wear or every six days for extended wear.
UV Protection
The Acuvue Moist contacts protect against 82 percent of UVA rays and 97 percent of UVB rays. The Hydraclear lenses protect against 93 percent of UVA and 97 percent of UVB.
Acuvue Moist contacts allow 88 percent of available oxygen to reach the eye, while Hydraclear lenses let in 97 to 98 percent.
The main difference in the two types is the technology they use to enhance moisture. Acuvue Moist uses Lacreon technology, which embeds a wetting agent into the lens to create a moisture-rich environment. The Hydraclear technology blends the wetting agent with a silicon hydrogen for a soft lens. Both are designed to provide a soft, smooth feel for your eyes.
If you're in the market for a daily-wear lens, the Acuvue Moist might be right for you. According to Acuvue, daily wear lenses can be helpful for people suffering with allergies. If you have particularly dry eyes, the Hydraclear may work better because it lets in more oxygen and claims to provide optimal softness and smoothness all day.