How to Lower Eye Pressure With Exercise
See your ophthalmologist to determine a baseline for your intraocular pressure before starting your exercise program. Discuss your plan to start an exercise program with your doctor.
Ask your ophthalmologist if you have a type of glaucoma that is amenable to exercise. This is very important because some types of glaucoma (e.g. pigmentary glaucoma) respond to exercise with an increase in intraocular pressure instead of a reduction.
Ask your ophthalmologist if you should see your general practitioner to determine whether it is safe to start an exercise program. Keep in mind that even walking constitutes sufficient exercise, and therefore such a consultation may be superfluous.
Exercise four times a week for a duration of 40 minutes each time. Even light exercise, such as walking, is very helpful.
Don't allow more than two weeks to pass without exercise, or the pressure reduction you have worked hard to gain will be lost.