Home Remedy for Flashed Eyes
Identifying Flash Burning and Initial Steps to Treatment
The most likely reason for flash burned eyes is that you have exposed your eyes to high intensity light for an extended period of time. If you notice your vision becomes altered and you notice pain or burning in your eyes, immediately cease exposure to the high-intensity light. Often, you will notice your eyes flash burned after exposure. Your eyes will appear bloodshot; will have excessive tearing, and blurred vision. If this occurs you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist, who will provide you with treatment options. In addition, there are various home remedies the ophthalmologist may recommend.
Constant Lubrication
Once you have identified that you have flash burned eyes, a good immediate home remedy is to remove your contacts, which will only dry your eyes even further. Obtain artificial tears at your local drug store. Apply these tears a few times an hour. Do not use drops that remove red eye because they actually cause additional constriction of the veins in your eyes. You can also lubricate your eyes with rosewater, which is soothing to the eyes and reduces inflammation. After adequately lubricating your eyes, cover your eyes with a cold compress to relax them. A cold compress is simply a cloth with cold to lukewarm water. You can also gently massage your eyes with the cold compress, focusing on the pupil area of your eyes.
Infections and Additional Tips
Another concern that you should address with flash burned eyes is that their heightened sensitivity makes them more vulnerable to infection. Always wash your hands before touching your eyes while they heal from flash burn. Additionally, you can obtain antiseptic eye drops that will help ward off any infection.
The best treatment you can give your eyes that are flash burned is time and reducing any light exposure. Wear sunglasses even indoors to limit your eyes' exposure to lights within your home. Avoid watching any television, which only causes your eyes more strain as it attempts to follow the moving pictures and light fluctuations.