How to Reduce Bloodspots in the White of the Eye
Blood spots in the eye are burst blood vessels that occur when the eye is injured or fatigued. Sometimes lifting weights can cause burst blood vessels, since it increases pressure on the eyes. Other causes include diabetes or high blood pressure. Eye hemorrhage is easily treated with several different types of medication. If it goes untreated, the eye will heal itself in time. If it doesn't go away, or keeps recurring, see a physician or eye specialist to figure out why the blood spots keep reappearing.Things You'll Need
- Medical eyedrops
- Saline eyedrops
Treating Blood Spots in Eyes
Use some eyedrops that contain potassium chloride. This will help shrink the blood vessels in the whites of your eyes and eliminate redness. Follow the directions on the back of the bottle.
Use saline eye drops that will keep your eyes moist. Sometimes blood spots are caused by dry eyes. Staying away from monitors and televisions should prevent excessive dryness and eyestrain.
See a doctor about getting laser surgery if the blood spots keep reappearing or don't go away. The laser will kill the offending blood vessel permanently, but it won't prevent blood vessels in other parts of your eye from showing up. Also, ask the doctor to check for high blood pressure, which sometimes manifests through broken blood vessels in the eye.
Don't strain too much when you are doing activities like weight lifting. Straining increases the pressure in your head and causes blood spots to form in the whites of the eye.