Why Use Acuvue Bifocal Contacts?
Acuvue first marketed disposable contact lenses throughout the United States in 1988. Acuvue continues to make advances in contact lens technology and launched Acuvue Bifocals in 2001.
Bifocal contacts are either disposable soft lenses, soft gas-permeable lenses or rigid permeable lenses. Acuvue bifocal lenses are available only as disposable soft lenses.
Acuvue bifocal lenses have a visibility tint to allow you to see the contact lens on your finger and in the lens case. The lenses have an inside-out mark to help ensure you insert the lens correctly in your eye.
Acuvue bifocal contacts allow you to shift your focus simultaneously. You are able to view near and far objects without blurriness. Acuvue bifocal lenses also provide the same visual performance regardless of the lens rotation.
New patients using Acuvue bifocal contacts will need a short period of adjustment while the brain adjusts to the new visual neural pathways created from the Acuvue bifocal contacts.