DIY Pinhole Glasses
Choose Your Method
Make them using actual glasses or sunglasses, or you can create a makeshift pair by using other devices. If you choose to use other methods, you can do so very easily.
One way to do so is by using a comb or any item with slits in it and put it up close to your eyes. By looking through the slits, it will produce the same effect as an actual pair of pinhole glasses. You can also do this by making a fist and peering through the hole. Just by trying this you will see the difference it makes to the vision.
Items You Will Need
You will need a pair of glasses or sunglasses that you do not need any more. You can either use flexible card stock or some aluminum foil and some tape. You will also need a pin to poke the holes with.
If you choose to use aluminum foil, you will not need any type of adhesive to keep it on the glasses under normal circumstances. However, using tin foil has other complications such as the reflections that other people will see if wearing them outside.
The Process
Cut two pieces of card in the shape of the lens of the glasses, or tear two pieces of aluminum foil. Using the pin, poke holes into the material that you have chosen. Make sure that the holes are round, especially for the aluminum foil otherwise they will not work the same way.
Some people prefer only one pinhole in the center of the eye piece, whereas others prefer many. If you want just one, make sure it is at the approximate location of where your pupil is on the lens. If you wish to have more, make the holes about 1/8 inch apart from each other. Take the lenses out of the glasses, and either tape the card in place, testing for the correct location. The foil should be wrapped around the frame and kept into place on its own. Try them on to make sure that the holes are in the right place. Then you are finished and have a new pair of pinhole glasses.