Natural Relief for Tired Eyes
Rest Your Eyes
Using your eyes to do detailed work or to look at a computer screen for long periods of time can cause visual fatigue. The most natural way to overcome this is to rest your eyes. An experienced optometrist of 31 years, Dr. William Meltzer, offers this simple solution on "Take one minute of rest for every 15 minutes spent on the screen. Look away to diffuse focus, and allow your eyes to relax." This rule applies anytime you are using your eyes for close-up work as in reading, doing crafts or playing video games.
Soothe Your Eyes
There are a number of ways to soothe your eyes. According to Reader's Digest, one of the best ways to get rid of visual fatigue is to use tea bags. Black tea has rich amounts of tannins that can soothe tired eyes and reduce puffiness in the process. Simply steep two tea bags in warm water and place them over the eyes for 20 minutes. Your eyes will feel refreshed.
Vegetables and fruits make good soothing aids too. Place chilled cucumber slices over eyes and rest your eyes for 15 minutes. Cucumber's cooling properties can calm the burning sensation of tired eyes. Chilled potato slices not only bring relief to tired eyes but they also contain enzymes that can reduce dark circles under eyes (often a sign of lack of sleep).
How about a warm compact? Soak a washcloth in warm water, wring out excess water and then place over eyes for 10 minutes. The warmth helps to relax the eye muscles.
Eye Exercises
In China, school children do eye exercises before they start the rigors of school work. Chinese eye exercises are based on accupressure points (very much like acupuncture philosophy), and they are used to reduce visual fatigue, among other eye disorders. A simple one to start: Place thumb below eyebrow and just above the inside corners of the eyes, with the other four fingers resting lightly on the forehead. Press thumb on the point, apply light pressure ,and hold for four breaths. Repeat with the other eye.
You can also massage the sockets of the eyes for relief. With your eyes closed, use your middle finger to move along the sockets, starting at the top, just below the eyebrow, down the bridge of the nose, while applying light pressure. Repeat eight times.
According to, you can use the palms of your hands (aptly called Palming) to diffuse stress around the eyes, induce relaxation and blood circulation to the eyes. Rub your palms together until they are warm. Place your left palm on over your left eye, with the hollow of the palm directly over the eye without touching it. Do the same with the right palm. Breathe and relax. Repeat palming at three minutes interval.