Ways to Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms
Use artificial tear eyedrops to sooth and lubricate dry eyes. Over the counter eyedrops such as Refresh contain ingredients that alleviate that dry scratchy feeling. Visine eyedrops do not contain the same ingredients and work only to reduce redness in the eye. Your doctor may prescribe eye medications such as Restasis. Restasis soothes dry eyes and promotes tear production.
Ask your eye professional about Lacrisert for dry eyes. Lacrisert is an insert placed inside the lower eyelid that releases lubricant into the eye throughout the day.
Punctal plugs are plugs inserted by your eye doctor into your tear ducts, keeping tears from draining away too quickly. Tear ducts may be closed surgically if plugs are not effective.
Lifestyle Changes
Drink more water to improve dry eye symptoms. Dehydration can cause dry eyes to become worse. Women need 91 oz. of water a day and men need 125, according to the Institute of Medicine.
Wear sunglasses when out in windy dusty weather to protect eyes from outdoor elements.
Purchase an air purifier for your home to remove dust and other particles in the air that irritate eyes. Buy a humidifier to replace moisture in your home. Areas in the home can become dry from furnace heat or dry climates.
Take frequent breaks from reading or computer work as you do not blink as much when performing these activities. Blinking helps tear production and resting the eyes will increase your comfort level.
Talk to your doctor about medications you are taking that may contribute to dry eyes and see if there is another drug he can substitute.
Treat an eyelid disease that may be causing dry eyes with warm compresses or massage baby shampoo onto the outside of the eyelid. This treatment helps with rosacea or blepharitis. Talk with your eye professional about different treatment options and which ones will work for your individual needs.